Optional Insurance Coverage
Board Policy 224 discusses the expectations of each student for the care of district property. Students are expected to take proper care of their One to One device. Any damage to the device, either accidental or intentional, will be the responsibility of the student.
Students will be charged a fee of $100 for any breakage of the screen, casing, or keyboard.
For any other damage, the fee will be the actual repair cost of the device provided by the manufacturer. For any lost or stolen devices, a student will be charged a replacement fee at the fair market value of the device. Please note: Insurance does not cover lost or stolen devices. Replacement power cords are $35. Any intentional damage to the device, such as carving in the case, the fee will be the actual repair, or replacement cost, of the device provided by the manufacturer. All manufacturer defects will be covered by the manufacturer's warranty.
Parents may opt to purchase an accidental insurance plan at the cost of $50 for the 2024-25 school year. The 2024-25 school year is 7/1/2024 through 6/30/2025. This accidental insurance plan will cover two accidental damage incidents for the 2024-25 school year. Intentional damage will not be covered. Lost or stolen devices are not covered by insurance. After the 2nd accidental damage incident in the 2024-25 school year, students will be charged normal breakage fees.
Payment for the accidental damage insurance plan can be made in two ways:
Check payable to the New Hope-Solebury School District in the amount of $50. Checks should include the student name and grade and be delivered to the school main office.
Online with Paypal, a $2.00 convenience fee will apply.
Any student who has a financial hardship can contact their guidance counselor to discuss their insurance options.
The last day to purchase the accidental insurance plan is June 30, 2024. After this date, it will be assumed that you are not purchasing the insurance for the 2024-25 school year. Any damage prior to purchase is the responsibility of the student.
A second opportunity will be available to purchase device insurance for the 2024-25 school year in September, once it has been verified that the returning device is not damaged.
Should you have a question concerning the One to One Optional Insurance fee, please email faq@nhsd.org
There is a $2.00 processing fee. Please expect a total payment of $52.00.