Our Distinctions

kids sitting in a classroom on the floor listening to the teacher

NHSD Earns "Great PA Schools" Distinction

The New Hope-Solebury School District is among the first schools in the state to be distinguished as a Great Pennsylvania School by the Pennsylvania School Boards Association.

girls watching car robots move on the floor

NHSD Earns "System to Watch" from AASA

Only seven districts nationwide received designation as either “Lighthouse Districts” or “Systems to Watch” to recognize them as exemplars of learner-centered, future-driven schools and models of positive change in public education.

4 students talking on a classroom

High School Earns Gold on College Board's AP Honor Roll

The High School earned a gold-level designation on the College Board’s Advanced Placement School Honor Roll. The Honor Roll recognizes schools whose advanced placement participation reflects a commitment to increasing college-going culture, providing opportunities for students to earn college credit, and maximizing college readiness.

student painting art on the wall with flowers and plants

Pennsylvania Art Educators Association: Outstanding Visual Arts Community 2022-23

Our visual arts program was recognized by the Pennsylvania Art Education Association for their commitment to visual arts education opportunities for providing rigorous, inclusive, and highly-visible arts education opportunities.

educators listening to initiatives on a room with tables and chairs

The Learning 2025 Initiative

Our district participates in the Learning 2025 Project, a national initiative to support future-focused, capacity-building in our public education system. Here, a team of our educators presented the district's groundbreaking initiatives at the AASA Learning 2025 National Summit in Washington, D.C.

new hope middle school entrance with a blue ribbon logo in front ob the picture.

Middle School is a National Blue Ribbon School for 2022

Our Middle School has been selected by the U.S. Department of Education for its prestigious Blue Ribbon designation. This is awarded to only 297 schools across the country. NHS-MS was recognized in the exemplary high-performing schools category.

teacher looking through a microscope with a student

U.S. News and World Report: HS Ranked #15 in the State

New Hope-Solebury High School was ranked #15 among all public school districts in Pennsylvania. Our students' college readiness, reading and math proficiency, and graduation rate support this recognition.

teacher looking at a student while he is writing

Niche: Middle School Earns Best in Bucks

Our Middle School has been recognized by data compiler Niche for exceptional teachers and academics.

teacher posing with three kids

Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year Finalists

The Pennsylvania Teacher of the Year Program recognizes excellence in teaching by honoring K-12 teachers in public education who have made outstanding academic contributions to Pennsylvania's school-aged children. Two NHSD teachers were recently recognized as finalists: Caitlin Keiper and Jacqueline Miller.

kids in a classroom with computers and a teachir pointing out at one computer of a kid

Positive Behavior Supports and Interventions at the LES/UES

Our elementary schools have been recognized for the implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), an evidence-based, amulti-tiered approach to social, emotional and behavior support.

student playing violin on a concert

NAMM Foundation: Best Communities in Music Education

For the eleventh consecutive year, our district has received designation as a Best Community for Music Education from the NAMM Foundation. Only 975 schools in the nation have earned this award, which “recognizes and celebrates outstanding efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, students and community leaders who have made music education part of a well-rounded education.”  We are proud to be recognized for demonstrating an exceptionally high commitment and access to music education.

group of students celebrating a point in a voleyball match

Athletics Teams Reach State Championships

Our athletic teams have frequently competed for state championships, including most recently, our volleyball, field hockey, track and cross country teams.

3 people holding an announcement about youth heart watch program

Children's Hospital of Philadelphia: Heart-Safe Schools

Our district earned a designation from the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's (CHOP) Youth Heart Watch program, which aims to prevent sudden cardiac death among children and adolescents. Our buildings are equipped with automated external defibrillators (AED), which are portable and accessible devices with the capacity to automatically diagnose life-threatening abnormal heart rhythms.

group of people listening to a kid talking

Special Visitation from the Former Pennsylvania Secretary of Education Noe Ortega

Former Pennsylvania Secretary of Education visited New Hope-Solebury School District to explore our approaches and innovations in STEAM education.

girl putting a paper swirl on the ground

Designated by the ADL as No Place for Hate

All of our schools have earned designation as "No Place for Hate" from the Anti-Defamation League. All students engage in activities to support an inclusive environment, such as creating identify pinwheels reflecting our diverse backgrounds and placing them at the school entrance (shown left).

group of high school students on a table working on their computers

Philadelphia Magazine Ranks HS in the Top 40 Schools

Philadelphia Magazine listed our HS among its collection of top performing high schools in the city and suburbs based on standardized tests, graduation rates, and other statistical measures.