The Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) legislation requires state educational agencies to adopt written procedures to resolve any complaint alleging violations of the law in the administration of programs. Any parent/guardian who is not satisfied with services their child is receiving through Title I at the Upper and/or Lower Elementary Schools is encouraged to follow the process as outlined below:
1. First contact the appropriate specialist by email or phone:
Mrs. Leanne Iannacone, LES Reading Specialist Grades K-2
(e) Email Leanne Iannacone
(p) ext. 4103
2. If the issue is not resolved, then you are encouraged to contact the School Principal
Mrs. Jenn Bloom, Principal of LES
(e) Email Jenn Bloom
(p) ext. 4107
3. If the issue is still not resolved, then you are encouraged to contact:
Dr. Rose Minniti
District Title I Supervisor/Director of Elementary and Secondary Education
(e) Email Rose Minniti
(p) ext. 3294
4. If the concern is not resolved at this level, please contact:
Dr. Charles Lentz
Superintendent of Schools
(e) Email Charles Lentz
(p) ext. 3292
5. If you are unable to resolve your concern with the school district, you have the right to file a written, signed statement with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Federal Programs Division
Attention: Don McCrone, NCLB Complaint Manager
7th Floor, 333 Market Street
Harrisburg, PA 17126
The statement should include the federal statute or regulations which you believe have been violated under ESSA.